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January Colors

You know, January is probably one of my least favorite months of the year. It is cold and dreary. It gets dark way too early. In Georgia, we get a lot of rain but not a lot of snow. And people seem to go in hibernation and won't come out till spring.

Well, it has been my mission this year to not let the January blues get to me! January is the PERFECT time to start new projects. I plan to take a break from stamping while everyone is at CHA, but that doesn't mean that I can't start other projects! I plan to start a scarf for my friend's birthday and I would like to try my hand at a quilt!

By the way, I am noticing in my decorating and everyone has these colors that keep coming up in January. To me, the color scheme is light blue, dark blue, pink, and purple. First of all, this is a beautiful color combination that just makes me happy when I look at it! But secondly, it seems to work really well with white and snow. So let a little color help out shine your January blues this year!

About Me

Hello there!  My name is Suzanne Pearson.  I live in Georgia with my amazing hubby Thomas and my sweet kitty Neko.  I am a teacher by day so I have to get all of my crafting in during nights, weekends, and especially summers. (hints the name)  I hope you enjoy my blog!



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